Team Fun and a Great Cause: Join the Sussex Nightstop Tryathlon 2023!

Are you looking for a unique team bonding experience that combines physical challenges, mental stimulation, and the chance to make a difference? Look no further! The Sussex Nightstop Tryathlon 2023 is back, and it’s better than ever. So gather your colleagues, clients or teammates and join us for an unforgettable day of fun and purpose.

A Recap of Last Year’s Tryathlon

Last year’s event was a huge success. 10 teams took part in the inaugural Sussex Nightstop Tryathlon, embarking on a summertime-themed adventure that tested their physical, mental, and baking dexterity. The event brought about a noticeable shift in the atmosphere among the participants, with a newfound sense of camaraderie and energy.

Teams playing Volleyball
Despite varying levels of volleyball experience (and even some participants with no interest in sports), the teams displayed incredible talent and enthusiasm throughout the tournament.
The quiz was fiercely fought, showcasing the participants’ knowledge and teamwork
The cakes were judged by none other than Terre à Terre’s Executive Chef, Philip Taylor.


Anniversaries: The Theme for 2023

This year, as we celebrate our 15th year of service in supporting young people experiencing homelessness, the theme for the Tryathlon is “Anniversaries”. We want to honour this milestone while highlighting the vital role our organisation plays in the community.

Did you know that Sussex Nightstop is the only service in Brighton & Hove that offers same-day temporary accommodation? Or that half of the young people we support are either working or pursuing education?

Now, more than ever, we need your support to continue making a positive impact in their lives. So, get involved and not only support our cause but also give your team an experience they’ll never forget.

“The atmosphere in the office the day after the Tryathlon was noticeably different…. a real lift!”

Event Details

The Tryathlon will include a thrilling volleyball tournament, a fun pub-style quiz and a mouth-watering cake-off. The winning teams will receive trophies to commemorate their victory. After the activities, participants can enjoy a delicious supper and drinks while basking in the satisfaction of a day well-spent. It’s a whole lot of fun, all for a great cause!

Date: Thursday, September 7
Time: 3 PM to 8 PM
Yellowave, Madeira Drive, followed by a celebration at Proud Cabaret in Kemptown
Teams: Six participants per team
Registration fee: £600 per team

If you’re interested in participating, you can book more than one team or join as an individual to be placed in a combined team. Additionally, we have hospitality tickets available for teams of six, and sponsorship opportunities for those who want to contribute further to the event’s success.

For more information or to reserve your spot(s), please contact:
Liz Wakefield at [email protected]
Mitchelle D’Souza at [email protected].

The Sussex Nightstop Tryathlon 2023 promises to be an extraordinary event that combines team bonding, friendly competition, and the opportunity to support a crucial cause. As we mark our 15th year of service, we invite you to join us and be part of the positive change we’re making in the lives of young people experiencing homelessness. By participating in the Tryathlon, you’ll not only contribute to a worthy cause but also create lasting memories with your team. So gather your teammates, register for the event, and get ready for a day of fun, camaraderie, and making a difference. We can’t wait to see you there!

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