Annual Chair’s Report 2022-2023

It has been a privilege to Chair Sussex Nightstop over our 15th year anniversary.

The service has gone from strength to strength across 2022-2023. We have responded to one of the highest levels of demand we’ve seen in five years with young people experiencing homelessness sleeping safe in one of our volunteer host homes on 288 nights – an increase of 73% in our guest stays compared to the previous year.

We remain committed to our vision that everyone has access to a secure and sustainable home and the opportunity to sleep safe at night. We continue to be inspired by the resilience of the young people we work, their aspirations and ambitions. And we continue to be motivated by our hugely impressive volunteer team who, as a community, step forward with kindness, care and pragmatism at a point of crisis for young people.

I also reflect on a year where individuals, community initiatives (such as our new charity relationship with Artists Open Houses), and local businesses have so proactively got behind what we do, whether that be through generous donations or spreading the word of Sussex Nightstop. Along with all our trust and grant funders, I thank you for your continued and vital support.

Tim Williamson, Chair of Sussex Nightstop
December 2023

Download our annual general report below:

Sussex Nightstop Annual General Report 2022-2023

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