Affordable Art Auction and Open House

A celebration of community, kindness and resilience

2nd - 27th May 2024

Cardinal Newman Student Collection

Cat Moody

Cat is a Year 13 Photography Student. The photographs below were the result of a relationship Cat built over time with a wonderful lady who would tell the best stories and also raised huge amounts of money for a cancer research charity by selling pumpkins.

Morning Checklist
Morning Checklist
Porridge on the wood burner
Porridge on the wood burner
Chapel Light
Chapel Light

Kip Lasosso

Kip is a Year 13 Photography Student. Kip visited the abandoned section of Charing Cross tube station. “It was amazing to see a space that is normally busy and filled with moving transport and machinery. I took with me two pairs of shoes that office workers who travel to work might wear and I positioned them at different places in the tube station. I placed them at the edge of the platform and near the seats to get a sense of people standing and sitting, waiting for the train.”

Air Raid Shelter
Air Raid Shelter
Abandoned Greenhouse
Abandoned Greenhouse
Abandoned Tube Station
Abandoned Tube Station

Alfie White

Alfie is a Year 13 Photography Student. This is a series called "We are all Connected".
